Aisha Lasiter

As a mother of three, Aisha feels that her birth experiences, both positive and negative, impacted her desire to become a doula. From these experiences, she developed the desire to become a source of attentive, knowledgeable, and caring support so that birthing women feel safe and heard. Even before her formal training with DONA, she found that having been invited by friends and loved ones into their sacred birthing spaces, that supporting and advocating in these spaces came natural to her.

Aisha enjoys learning about birth traditions and customs from around the world. She has noted that often birth in modern times can be a lonely experience without the historically and culturally significant customs and traditions of the past where mothers were often covered in the time tested wisdom and care of their mothers, sisters, aunts, and friends. Aisha hopes to revive and bring new life into such healthy traditions and ensure that the women in her community are able to benefit from the best practices of our many diverse birth cultures.

In her spare time, when not serving as a doula or homeschooling her children, Aisha enjoys reading, journaling, travel, and spending time outdoors with her family taking long walks and camping!

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Holding space for a clients very precipitous labor!